15 August 2016

Today on August 16 Belarusian canoeists Nadzeya Liapeshka and Maryna Litvinchuk were 6th to cross the line in Women’s Kayak Doubles 500m, according to the NOC of Belarus.

noc 16 08 2016 canoe2 3

They covered the distance of 500m in 1:46.967min.

noc 16 08 2016 canoe2 2

The Hungarian duet was victorious with 1:43.687min. The German duet was second (1:43.738min), the Poles came third (1:45.207min). 

Now the National Team counts 5 awards: a gold medal (U. Hancharou, Trampoline), two silver (D. Naumava and V. Straltsou, Weightlifting) and two bronze ones (A. Herasimenia, Swimming; Javid Hamzatau, Wrestling Greco-Roman).  
